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zondag 6 juni 2010

How to: Adding a cannon to a kmp file

Adding a cannon was something i was looking for in the szs after bean and chadderz made incendia castle, with looking in the kmp i found out how to do it.

1. Go to SZS Modifier and extract the course.kmp

2. Open a hex editor and download the txt at http://www.mediafire.com/?myjkhdqkzyj for help

3. First look for the place where the CNPT starts. Look in the txt which bytes you need and add 4c to the address (else you're wrong)

4. Change the amount of cannons to 00 0x 00 00 (X = Amount)

5. Copy the last respawn data (before cnpt starts) and typ CNPT at the place where the copied data started. typ after CNPT the amount and paste the respawn data.

6. Go to the first bytes and change the address where the CNPT starts

vrijdag 4 juni 2010

SZS KMP Value Generator

For people that want to create a custom track like snes rainbow road and mushroom peaks, here's a application that generates the y value of the routes and stuff be sure that when you import a png (or any other excersion) image file you use your own x, y and z values.

Mediafire Window

Megaupload Window
